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Inspired by cult film The Rocky Horror Picture Show and its impact on the sexual revolution movement in 1970s Britain – UNDERAGE’s AW19 collection encapsulates the blurry lines of human sexuality and gender amongst young people.

UNDERAGE have used dark tones to represent the horror and hedonism of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and to represent how the film has inspired the youth of Generation-Z today, the womenswear collection has androgynous styling as a prominent feature throughout the pieces.The Rocky Horror Picture Show film is infamous for its stark juxtaposition of two extremes, a clash between what is perceived as ‘normal’ and what is perceived as ‘strange’.

This collection reflects the film’s iconic way of thinking: shapes of garments that modern consumers are familiar with, such as t-shirts and knitwear, are deconstructed to blur the lines of their own

perception of ‘normal’. More blunt contrasts can be seen throughout the collection, specifically within the way that UNDERAGE combine a traditional and modern approach to fashion. Class suit-like silhouettes are contrasted against pseudosexual graphics and clothes with streetwear sensibilities.

Beijing born Ying Shen, Founder and Creative Director at UNDERAGE, started her career in textile printing and graphic design, after falling in love with the subjects at Central Saint Martins University (UAL). When she started her brand UNDERAGE to explore youth/pop culture using fashion, she vowed to keep true to her roots and use her graphics background in her designs. True to form, every season of UNDERAGE stands out with youthful designs, pop culture celebrations, and striking graphics reminiscent of traditional textile techniques. UNDERAGE has featured on the official schedule of every LFW and SFW, as well as showing at PFW. This AW19 UNDERAGE is delighted to be returning to LFW for another exciting season.


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